Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A Business Opportunity for the Taking...

Here's an idea for any of the entrepreneurs out there reading this blog. In my vast nine days of experience in Hong Kong, I've had the chance to visit a few bars and I've noticed that it seems to be popular to serve peanuts, as in the kind where you break them open yourself and toss the empty shells on the floor. While that's all well and good, what's interesting is not the practice, but the product: There's something awry with the Chinese peanut!

I present to you Exhibit A:

Now any Westerner I know will take one look at this photo and see something unusual about these peanuts. It's their size of course. These are tiny tiny little suckers. But it gets worse.

I present to you Exhibit B:

Crack those puppies open and what you find are even smaller, dried pea-sized turds that even on their best day seem like little more than distant cousins of the peanuts I grew up eating. While strangely addictive -- I confess to eating more than my fair share -- these are grade D circus-quality peanuts, people! I talked to a couple of locals and discovered this isn't some anomaly. These are the only peanuts they've ever known!! 

Now I don't know who over at Planter's dropped the ball on this one, but I think we've got a real opportunity here to teach the Chinese a thing or two about how peanuts are supposed to be. 

Any venture capitalists out there want to back me on this one? ....Anyone? ....Hello?


  1. if you want to do a regional comparison of the peanuts across asia, this link may be useful: http://frugaltraveler.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/03/16/short-hops-low-fares-around-asia/

  2. Do they serve these at baseball games? Do they have baseball games in HK??
