Monday, March 15, 2010

I never met a dessert I didn't like...

...until now that is. Let's be honest, we all know that Asia makes some kick-ass food, but at least in my experience, dessert has never been one of the region's strong suits. I should have just left it at that and shut my trap. But no, over lunch last week I very politely pointed this epicurean quandary out to one my Cantonese colleagues: Great food, but not so great desserts, what gives? 

She wasn't offended, but instead apparently interpreted my innocent observation as a call to action. She wanted to prove me wrong. The very next day after lunch she presented me with what you see below, which is essentially red bean pudding on a stick. 

Those dark spots you see are actual whole red beans!

I can tell you that I went into this with an open mind and you can see from the missing bites that I really did give it a go. But dear readers, no good -- I mean no good at all -- can come from a dessert whose main ingredient is the bean. 

Of course, I resisted the urge to spit this rather unpleasant goop out of my mouth, and instead muscled those few bites down with a smile. I then wrapped the remaining bean pudding stick in a napkin and tossed it in the trash when no one was looking. After all, my mother raised me to have manners.


  1. Couldn't you have just buried it in ice cream? :)

  2. I have never seen you throw out a dessert! I do however agree with Ryan. I assume you eat pretty much anything if it is buried in ice cream.

  3. Yuck. It looks like Samantha's diaper after eating a high fiber bar.
